Thursday, July 06, 2006

TPMmuckraker July 6, 2006 01:21 PM

TPMmuckraker July 6, 2006 01:21 PM: "That said, the group never got their hands on any real weapons. In fact, they apparently trained by shooting paintball guns in the woods. During their raid of the group's Temple, a windowless warehouse, FBI agents found only one knife and a blackjack.

How did the group show up on the FBI's radar? It's unclear, but from the Miami Herald's reporting of the hearing, it sounds like the group's leader, Narseal Batiste, went down to his local 7-11 to 'obtain financial and military support.' I'm not kidding.

He eventually got a lot of promises from another FBI informant for guns, boots and $50,000 in cash. But the lawyer for one of Batiste's followers says Batiste, who used to 'roam the streets' in a bathrobe, was just scamming the informant because he was hard up for money."


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