Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Sweetener With a Bad Rap - New York Times

A Sweetener With a Bad Rap - New York Times: "July 2, 2006
A Sweetener With a Bad Rap

EVERY time Marie Cabrera goes shopping, she brings along her mental checklist of things to avoid. It includes products with artery-clogging trans fats, cholesterol-inducing saturated fats, MSG and the bogeyman du jour, high-fructose corn syrup. That last one, she says, is the hardest to avoid unless she happens to be shopping in the small natural-foods section of her supermarket.

As she pushed her shopping cart down an aisle of the Super Stop & Shop near her hometown of Warren, R.I., recently, Ms. Cabrera, a retired schoolteacher, offered her thoughts on why she steers clear of high-fructose corn syrup: 'It's been linked to obesity, and it's just not something that's natural or good for you.'"


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