Thursday, July 06, 2006

Does the 1796-97 Treaty with Tripoli Matter to Church/State Separation?

Does the 1796-97 Treaty with Tripoli Matter to Church/State Separation?: "By Ed Buckner, Ph.D.

We freethinkers are, I suspect, sometimes suckers for the big lie that the U.S. really was founded as a Christian nation. We've heard it so often that we tend to doubt our allies who dispute it as maybe just over-zealous, over-eager, well-intentioned-but-wrong atheists out to prove what they want to believe rather than to understand the truth. I know I suspected something like that when I first read 'As the government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion...' as a quote from the Treaty with Tripoli. And I know of at least one cynical atheist, Frederic Rice (with his own website full of information:

Mr. Rice has even, in his profound ignorance, called me dishonest and urged me not to use the honorable label 'atheist' for talking about the treaty. But careful research into the facts, accompanied by honest presentation of those facts, leads to important support for the thesis that the Constitutional framers intended this nation to have a government strictly neutral regarding religion.

The pirates of the Barbary coast in general and of Tripoli (in what is now called Libya) in particular were destroying U.S. shipping and holding as prisoners U.S. seamen in the 1790s. It was a serious pro"


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