Thursday, August 03, 2006

Daily Kos: Stephen Colbert Banned By Wikipedia

Daily Kos: Stephen Colbert Banned By Wikipedia: " Colbert goes on to declare that he doesn't believe George Washington had slaves.

'If I want to say he didn't that's my right, and now, thanks to Wikipedia taps keyboard it's also a fact.'

Here's the fun part -- Colbert actually did this. The Wikipedia articles on his show and George Washington were both edited by the user Stephencolbert to reflect the changes he declared on air as he tapped at his computer around 23:35 UTC -- which is 6:35pm on the East Coast, during the taping of his show, hours before it aired. ... Colbert then urged his audience to find the Wikipedia entry on elephants and create an entry that stated their population had tripled in the last six months, a fact he freely stated to not know if it was 'actually true,' with his sidebar stating 'it isn't.'

Now as Pyrrho brought up in his entry, Wikipedia appears to have won. I say that they have actually lost something. It is just another sign to show that information can and will be manipulated by others to make their side of the argument more powerful (where have we seen that again?). Wikipedia did 'fix' the parts changed - BUT THEY SAW THEM COMING. How many times don't they catch these things and allow 'facts' to be altered."


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