Thursday, July 27, 2006

Charles William Daniel Company Archives

Charles William Daniel Company Archives: "Charles William Daniel Company Archives

Period (1815-) 1906-1992
Total size 5.02 m.
Consultation Not restricted

Founded in 1902, the company was named after its owner, Charles William Daniel, who determined its character to a very large degree; Daniel was born in Islington, London 1871; went to work at thirteen after his father died; held a job in the Walter Scott Publishing Company in the late 1890s, whose publications included the works of Lev Tolstoj, which greatly influenced him; started the C.W. Daniel Company Ltd. with the purpose of further propagating the ideas of the Russian writer; visited Tolstoj at Jasnaja Poljana in 1909; founder and editor of the magazine The Crank in 1904, later renamed The Open Road, a forum for Tolstojans, anarchists, pacifists and health food promoters; married Florence E. Worland in 1905; participated in anti-war propaganda in the First World War; condemned and imprisoned for the publication of pacifist pamphlets; the company published the works of authors like Mary Everest Boole, Michael Fraenkel, Emma Goldman, Stephen and Rosa Hobhouse, Søoren A. Kierkegaard, H. Valentine Knaggs, S.S. Koteliansky, D.H. Lawrence, José Ortega y Gasset, W.T. Symons and many others; he also published the periodicals The Healthy Life and Purpose, a literary journal in the 1930s; in 1941 the"


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