Sunday, December 10, 2006

Study Detects Recent Instance of Human Evolution - New York Times

Study Detects Recent Instance of Human Evolution - New York Times: "“There is a lot of genetic variation between groups in Africa, reflecting the different environments in which they live, from deserts to tropics, and their exposure to very different selective forces,” she said.

People in different regions of the world have evolved independently since dispersing from the ancestral human population in northeast Africa 50,000 years ago, a process that has led to the emergence of different races. But much of this differentiation at the level of DNA may have led to the same physical result.

As Dr. Tishkoff has found in the case of lactose tolerance, evolution may use the different mutations available to it in each population to reach the same goal when each is subjected to the same selective pressure. “I think it’s reasonable to assume this will be a more general paradigm,” Dr. Pritchard said."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The African milk drinker is not the kind of change that would produce a newly evolved kind to appear, Darwinian style, even in an eternity.

What these scientists are seeing is a minute shuffle of the current Genetic material. This is not any different than in the occurence of the first blond haired human having led to the developement of a different kind of semi-human on the way to becoming something else entirely. God built into the genetic machinery the ability to produce a very slight change so that everyone would not look exactly alike. However the change is limited and will not make a human into another creature, even in a trillion years.

8:21 AM  

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