Thursday, May 11, 2006

Putin Urges Plan to Reverse Slide in the Birth Rate - New York Times

Putin Urges Plan to Reverse Slide in the Birth Rate - New York Times: "Russia's population, now about 143 million, has been falling since the collapse of the Soviet Union, trimmed by emigration, rising death rates and declining birthrates. Both the government and demographers predict more downward pressure, including H.I.V. infections, that could shrink the population below 100 million by 2050.

Mr. Putin has raised the issue in the past, but never with such a clear set of instructions aimed at increasing the low birthrate, or at such length in a prominent speech. Among his proposals were one-time cash grants to mothers upon the birth of a second child, extended maternity leave benefits and a graduating scale of cash and day-care subsidies as a woman has more children. 'The situation is critical in that sphere,' he said."


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