Thursday, February 02, 2006

Daily Kos: Middle Class is Circling the Bowl

Daily Kos: Middle Class is Circling the Bowl: "Health insurance premiums are actually increasing faster. For the years 2000-2004, the respective annual increases in insurance premiums were 8.2%, 10.9%, 12.9%, 13.9% and 11.2%. In 2004, average annual single payer insurance premiums were $3,695 and average annual family premiums were $9,950. The three-year national median income for the years 2002-2004 was 44,473, meaning the average health insurance coverage for a single adult is 8.3% of income and average health insurance coverage for an adult is 22% of median national income. Employers and employees typically share health insurance payments, giving the middle class some breathing room. But not much. And considering the percentage increase in insurance premiums, stagnating wages, and the increased use of high-deductible policies, the middle class income doesn't stand much of a chance."


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